Lovington Library | Village of Lovington
Lovington Library | Village of Lovington
Village of Lovington Board of Trustees met Nov. 12.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Call to order: President Dennis Garmon called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance: President Garmon led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call found the following trustees to be present: Todd Hale, Keith Stanberry, April Daily, Andrea Wardrip, Mike Young and Bittany Bates. President Dennis Garmon and Clerk Alma Fair were also present.
1. Attorney Kenny Crossman – presented the updated ordinance No. 2024-10
2. Brian Yoder – following up on RR right of way – when asked if he had a figure in mind and he didn’t have an amount.
3. Jamie Franklin – Lovington Working Women’s Club, the lights for Christmas in the park are not working. She did some searching for Christmas lights and had pricing for new lights. Also, On December 3rd a director will here talking about Mapping the Future of Our Community.
4. Adam Pruit is here to talk about moving the big garage - because of the birth of their child and he hasn’t been able to work on getting the buildings moved. Garmon suggested he provide a drawing of what he is planning to do to combine or remove buildings.
Minutes and action of Village Clerk
1. Discussion and action on the October 2024 invoices
A Motion was made by Daily and seconded by Hale to accept the October 2024 invoices as presented.
YEA: Bates, Hale, Stanberry, Daily, Wardrip, Young
No: None
2. Discussion and action on October 14, 2024, Regular Meeting Minutes. A Motion was made by Daily and seconded by Stanberry to approve the October 14, 2024; Regular Meeting minutes as presented.
YEA: Hale, Stanberry, Daily, Bates, Wardrip, Young
No: None
3. Discussion and action on October 24, 2024, Special Board Meeting Minutes A Motion was made by Young and seconded by Bates to approve the October 24, 2024; Special Board Meeting minutes as presented.
YEA: Stanberry, Daily, Bates, Hale, Wardrip, Young
No: None
Treasurer’s Report
1. Discussion and action October 2024 treasurer’s report
A Motion was made by Bates and seconded by Hale to accept the October 2024 treasurer’s report.
YEA: Hale, Stanberry, Daily, Bates, Wardrip, Young
No: None
New Business:
1. Discussion and Action on 2024 Christmas Bonuses
Clerk Fair said that for the past couple of years this is what the Christmas Bonuses were - full-time employees $230 and part-time employees $120.
A Motion was made by Wardrip and seconded by Bates to provide the 2024 employee Christmas Bonus as follows: full-time employees $250 and part-time employees $150.
YEA: Stanberry, Daily, Bates, Wardrip, Young, Hale
No: None
Old Business:
Closed Session
Meeting of “The Mayor & Commissioners of a municipality organized under article 4 of the Municipal Code held to discuss matters, which relate solely to exercise their executive or administrative responsibilities.”
5 ILCS 120/2 Sec.2 (c) (1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of Specific employees
A Motion was made by Young and seconded by Hale to go into closed session at 6:59 pm for the purpose of 5 ILCS 120/2 Sec.2 (c) (1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of Specific employees
YEA: Daily, Bates, Hale, Stanberry, Wardrip, Young
No: None
Return to Open Session
A Motion was made by Hale and seconded by Stanberry to return to Open Session at 8:21 pm.
YEA: Hale, Stanberry, Daily, Bates, Wardrip, Young
No: None
A Motion was made by Daily and seconded by Hale to present employee Jeremy Doggett with a letter which according to our ordinance 11-6-7 if an employee misses two or more days without notification of his/her supervisor, he or she is considered resigned.
YEA: Stanberry, Daily, Bates, Wardrip, Young, Hale
No: None
Department Reports
Water & Sewer Report – Todd Hale
Estimate from Richter Landscaping for fencing at the sewer plant. It was suggested that we get more estimates.
Park and Special Projects – Brittany Bates
A Motion was made by Bates and seconded by Stanberry to purchase new commercial Christmas lights for the park not to exceed $3,600.
YEA: Wardrip, Young, Hale, Stanberry, Daily, Bates
No: None
Breakfast with Santa will be on 12-21-24. The committee will be meeting on Monday to finalize everything. Bates will request money for it at the December meeting.
Police – Keith Stanberry
Sean Lang will be working each Friday for us.
Steven ‘Hoyt’ Wages will also start working for us.
Streets and Alleys – Mike Young
Nothing to report
Buildings and Grounds – April Daily
A Motion was made by Daily and seconded by Wardrip to get a heater for the 2-car garage before it gets too cold.
YEA: Daily, Bates, Wardrip, Young, Hale, Stanberry
No: None
Daily will be asking Jim Jent to get a replacement part for the heater at the sewer plant for approximately $150.
Daily received an estimate from Chad Watkins to move the window at the front office down lower for $1500.
A Motion was made by Daily and seconded by Stanberry to approve the estimate from Chad Watkins to lower the window for $1500.
YEA: Bates, Wardrip, Young, Hale, Stanberry, Daily
No: None
The holes have been drilled outside of Zancha’s and will be putting the posts in this week.
A Motion was made by Daily and seconded by Bates to sell the RR property to Brian Yoder for $2,000 and have our attorney write up an agreement and Yoder would need to pay any associated fees. (Tax Parcel 02-02-25-00-403 CR1100 E to CR1200 E)
YEA: Daily, Bates, Wardrip, Young, Hale, Stanberry
No: None
Insurance – Andrea Wardrip
Wardrip will contact insurance about the equipment exchange with Atwood
Presidents Report – Dennis Garmon
Garmon read the response from Brad Cole from IML regarding the Village hosting events and selling concessions; Cole said it would be okay as long as the board agrees to them.
A Motion was made by Daily and seconded by Young to accept Ordinance No. 2024-10 approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Atwood.
YEA: Bates, Wardrip, Young, Hale, Stanberry, Daily
No: None
A Motion was made by Young to adjourn at 8:59 p.m.
YEA: all agreed
No: None