
Macon Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Harristown Board of Trustees met Nov. 25

Webp 8

Les Jenkins, Trustee | Village of Harristown Website

Les Jenkins, Trustee | Village of Harristown Website

Village of Harristown Board of Trustees met Nov. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Trustees of the Village of Harristown held their monthly meeting on November 25,2024 at 185 N. Kembark St., Harristown, IL. Trustees Kevin Vessels, April Bogan, Kurt Terry, Jay Trusner, Jeff Eller, Les Jenkins, Mayor Evelyn Deverell, Financial Clerk Teresa Acree, Budget Offrcer Rick Laskowski, and Attorney Joshua Dubbelde were in attendance. Clerk Penny Allen was absent. Mayor Deverell called the meeting to order at6:30 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Adopt Agenda

Engineering reporting will be moved up to follow approval of prior month meeting minutes. Motion by Trustee Trusner to approve meeting agenda with engineering change. Trustee Eller 2od. Approved 6-0.


a) Luna Espinosa West -- donation request ($5,000 - $7000). Fundraiser for Eagle Scout project of building an outdoor classroom for Sangamon Valley H.S. School Board approval has been obtained. Project to start in mid-January 2U5. Add to New Business Agenda at next Board meeting.

b) Kirsten Hinton & Michelle Perry from Pops Place (owners/operators) - donation request. New sign, design distributed to Board members. Cost estimate is $9,215.95 + electrical. Request to cover cost of sign. Looking for electrical contract, cost unknown. Other requests include cost to replace ceiling ($2800 estimate for materials). Time frame is early January 2025. TIF, Business District, Gaming funds can be considered. TIF agreement would be needed. Summary of request is $15K: sign $9K + ceiling $3f + electric $3K.

Approve Minutes

a) October 28,2024 regular meeting minutes. Motion by Trustee Vessels to approve meeting minutes. Trustee Trusner 2nd. Approved 6-0. Received email from Reed Sutnam asking to add it as a public record of his complaint of disposable packaging containers This is not a village issue; clarification from local police was included in the email.


a) Report distributed. Cost estimates and designs for Sewer system improvements and water service line replacement were included. Professional service agreements will be needed for IEPA frrnding. Low interest{l-2%) loan may be needed. Without funding the project will not be completed. Moving forward with current Engineering firm. Also included in report was updates on Decommissioning Wells and MFT program.

b) Engineering Agreement for Sewer Project. Motion by Trustee Vessels to use Milano & Gruntoh as Engineering firm used forthis project. Trustee Jenkins 2'd Approved 6-0.

c) Engineering Agreement for Service Line Replacement Motion by Trustee Trusner to use Milano & Grunloh as Engineering firm used for this project. Trustee Eller 2'd Approved 6-0.

Treasurers Report

a) November z}z|banktotals of all Funds (Scott State Bank and Illinois Funds) was presented.

b) A list of invoices >$1,000 requiring Board approval was also presented. The list contained 4 invoices totaling $22,598.80. Motion by Trustee Jenkins to approve pa5rment, Trustee Vessels 2nd. Approved 6-0.

c) Cannabis tax payments from Mystic Greenz were not received timely, hopefully it is a timing issue and will be included next month.

Budget Ollicers Report

a) Monthly budget report for October 2024 was reviewed. There are 4 accounts that are over budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year. Motion by Trustee Vessels to approve the Budget report. Trustee Trusner 2nd. Motion passed 6-0.


a) Request &om Storage America for OK of Plans. Planning to build in the spring of 2025. Fire Chief is reviewing the plans.

Public Works

a) Report in meeting packet included November 2A24 activities. Comments made aboutplugged sewer lines; mont}ly newsletter will include reminders to avoid discarding items (rope, latex gloves, etc.) into the sewer system. Road salt for treating slick roads has been received and is ready for use as needed.

Old Business

a) Sewer Agreement EJ Water. Draft distributed by Attomey to Trustees. Quick overview of changes was presented. Exhibits needed from Engineers. Drawings to be included. Motion by Trustee Vessels to approve and sign agreement pending Engineering Exhibits and Drawings. Trustee Jenkins 2nd Approved 6-0. b) Community Park - corrections to be made in Spring at no charge.

New Business

a) Gallagher Insurance benefits - review of employee benefits will be made; this includes medical, dental and vision. Current insurance benefit package is through IML.

b) Upcoming Village Board elections. Forms has been received for 2Mayor and3 Trustee candidates.

Personnel Committee

a) No report

Public Works Committee

a) URWC rate increase of 8% announced.

Finance Commiltee

a) No report

Ordinance Committee

a) Final Code review - small, minor wording changes need reviewed. Deadline is l2ll3l24. Navigating web-based system is conirsing. Concemed about private Cannabis parties.

Business - Economic & Comtnunity Developmcnt

a) Funding request from Eagle Scout West (Visitor). Concerns about too many donation requests. Other scotrts will also request donations. Board wants to encourage scouts to explore other fundraising opportunities, not just the village. Consider $2500 or cover cost of the building materials. Motion by Trustee Eller to donate $2000 toward the project. Trustee Trusner 2nd approved 6-0.

b) Funding request from Pops Place (Visitor). The feeling is that Landlord Parks should pay for the repairs. Suggest large sign to display other businesses and events (Wycklesfest) held on the property. Building improvements should be paid by Landlord Parks. Board can help with cost of equipment. Signage would remain if business discontinued. Need.more information on who will benefiU Landlord or Business? Trustees Jenkins and Trusner will discuss the issues with Landlord. Table till next meeting when more information is available.


a) If good weather, Santa Claus parade will be held on l2ll4l24.

b) Christmas potluck will be held prior to next Board meeting. Members are asked to bring something to share.

Motion by Trustee Eller to adjoum, Trustee Trusner 2od. Motion passed 6-0.

Meeting adjourned at 8:14 PM
