Taylor Baxter - Clinton City Administrator | LinkedIn
Taylor Baxter - Clinton City Administrator | LinkedIn
City of Clinton City Council met Dec. 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Clinton, Illinois in session in the Council Chambers of City Hall and electronically, Tuesday, December 3, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. Commissioner Wise, presiding. On roll call, Commissioners Buchanan and Ballenger were present.
Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan that the minutes of the regular meeting of November 19, 2024 be approved as submitted. On roll call vote, Commissioners Buchanan, Wise and Ballenger voted “Yes.”
The bills and payroll were read.
Written motion was made by Commissioner Buchanan and seconded by Commissioner Ballenger that the bills and payroll be allowed as read and the Clerk be instructed to issue warrants on the Treasurer for the several amounts. On roll call vote, Commissioners Wise, Ballenger and Buchanan voted “Yes.”
Commissioner Wise asked Paul Skowron, CEO of Warner Hospital & Health Services to come forward and update everyone on the projects that have been taking place at the hospital. Skowron reported that the emergency room project was completed in June and that doubled the size of the ER and the volume has been up 25% since it was completed. The current project on the West side of the hospital which they are trying to complete by February 1, is the new West entrance to the hospital that will give direct access to the specialty clinic. Last year they purchased the 2 houses and knocked them down to create a parking lot specifically for this new entrance. The new entrance will include a protected overhead and heated sidewalk. Commissioner Wise then thanked everyone that was involved with the tree lighting ceremony. Wise helped hand out hot chocolate for the church that night and said they handed out between 700 – 800 cups. Wise also announced that the Christmas Parade is this coming weekend. He reminded everyone about the ice carving and other activities that will be happening on square on the 14th.
Commissioner Buchanan reported the crews have been out picking up brush and leaves. He reminded everyone that brush pickup will be suspended through February and next week will be the final week for the leaf vacs. After that, people will have to bag leaves if they have any left and notify City Hall for pickup.
Commissioner Wise reported the parts are still not in for the lime repairs and reminded everyone that until that project is finished there will be more iron in the water than usual. Cold weather has brought main breaks for the water guys to deal with.
Commissioner Ballenger asked Chief Lowers if he had anything to report. Chief Lowers reported that Paul Dunakey had passed away. Paul was a veteran and served this community in many ways. He was a member of the police department back in the ‘70’s, a member of the fire department and an EMT as well. Lowers reported that with the recent resignation of officer Joe Krasny who is going to Bloomington that the department is accepting lateral transfer applications and that testing for new hires is now open on the national testing network through January 10th. Commissioner Ballenger then reminded everyone about winter conditions and slick roads and asked that everyone is careful when driving during winter weather conditions.
Accounts & Finances had no report.
Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to adopt Ordinance #1610, Annual Levy Ordinance. On roll call vote, Commissioners Ballenger, Buchanan and Wise voted “Yes.”
Written motion was made by Commissioner Wise and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to adopt Ordinance #1611, An Ordinance Levying Tax for Street Lighting Purposes. On roll call vote, Commissioners Buchanan, Wise and Ballenger voted “Yes.”
Written motion was made by Commissioner Buchanan and seconded by Commissioner Ballenger to adopt Ordinance #1612, An Ordinance Increasing Tax Rate for Street and Bridge Purposes. On roll call vote, Commissioners Wise, Ballenger and Buchanan voted “Yes.”
Written motion was made by Commissioner Wise and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to adopt Ordinance #1613, An Ordinance Increasing Tax Rate for Water Fund Purposes. On roll call vote, Commissioners Ballenger, Buchanan and Wise voted “Yes.”
Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Wise to adopt Ordinance #1614, An Ordinance Levying Tax for Working Cash Purposes. On roll call vote, Commissioners Buchanan, Wise and Ballenger voted “Yes.”
Written motion was made by Commissioner Wise and seconded by Commissioner Ballenger to adopt Ordinance #1615, An Ordinance Abating Taxes for Certain Territory in the City of Clinton, Illinois (Black). On roll call vote, Commissioners Wise, Ballenger and Buchanan voted “Yes.”
Written motion was made by Commissioner Buchanan and seconded by Commissioner Wise to adopt Ordinance #1616, An Ordinance Abating Taxes for Certain Territory in the City of Clinton, Illinois (Totten). On roll call vote, Commissioners Ballenger, Buchanan and Wise voted “Yes.”
Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to amend Community Benefits Agreement Resolution agenda item to add the words “pending legal approval”. On roll call vote, Commissioners Ballenger, Buchanan and Wise voted “Yes.”
Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Wise to adopt Resolution 2024-15 as amended, A Resolution Entering Into Community Benefits Agreement with Prairie Flats Solar, LLC. On roll call vote, Commissioners Buchanan, Wise and Ballenger voted “Yes.”
Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Wise to adopt Resolution 2024-16, A Resolution Entering in Support of State Action to Protect the Mahomet Aquifer. On roll call vote, Commissioners Wise, Ballenger and Buchanan voted “Yes.”
Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to approve letter of understanding between International Association of Firefighters, on behalf of Local No. 3069, and the City of Clinton. On roll call vote, Commissioners Ballenger, Buchanan and Wise voted “Yes.”
Written motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to accept resignation of City Administrator and termination of employment contract upon approval. On roll call vote, Commissioners Buchanan, Wise and Ballenger voted “Yes.”
With no further business to come before the Council, a motion was made by Commissioner Ballenger and seconded by Commissioner Buchanan to adjourn the meeting. On roll call vote, Commissioners Wise, Ballenger and Buchanan voted “Yes.”