DeWitt County Board meeting | Edgar County Watchdogs
DeWitt County Board meeting | Edgar County Watchdogs
DeWitt County Board met Jan. 23.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Witte.
Roll call was answered by Farris, Ferguson, Hammer, Prestegaard, Ryan, Tilley, Walters, Werts, Witte, Carter. Myers and Deerwester were absent.
Motion by Tilley second by Carter to approve the December 19, 2024, County Board meeting minutes. Aye: Farris, Ferguson, Hammer, Prestegaard, Ryan, Tilley, Walters, Werts, Witte, Carter. Motion Carried.
Motion by Witte second by Ferguson to appoint Jon Butts as the County’s Ethics Office. Aye: Farris, Ferguson, Hammer, Prestegaard, Ryan, Tilley, Walters, Werts, Witte, Carter. Motion Carried.
Motion by Witte second by Farris to appoint Rich Parker to the Regional Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Lynn Atteberry with term to expire April 30, 2026. Aye: Farris, Ferguson, Hammer, Prestegaard, Ryan, Tilley, Walters, Werts, Witte, Carter. Motion Carried.
Carter gave the Board a brief description of what was discussed at the current month’s Land Use meeting. He said most of their meeting was spent discussing plans for the next year. He also informed the Board the new zoning officer started this week. Minutes from the Land Use meeting are filed with these minutes.
Farris gave the Board a brief description of what was discussed at the current month’s Public Safety meeting. He went over the new and revised contract with J&M Critter Care siting the 4 changes that were made- 1. Auto Renewal every 60 days; 2. Animal Control Shelter was changed to Animal Control Facility; 3. Added the word “kennel” to the cleaning section; 4. Holiday verbiage changed to coincide with the County’s holiday schedule. Farris also shared some information with the new positions involving Dispatch and the ETSB. Sheriff Walker explained more by informing the Board the open position left from the resignation of Tony Harris will now be two positions. The first will be a Lead Telecommunicator position that will report to Sheriff Walker and any disciplinary actions will be handled by Sheriff Walker and Chief of Police Lowers. The second position, 911 Systems Manager, will report to the ETSB and the ETSB will cover the positions salary and health insurance. Sheriff Walker also told the Board the ETSB and Tony Harris entered into a service agreement so Tony can help maintain the systems until someone is hired and ETSB does not fall behind. He said Tony also agreed to stay about a month after someone is hired to help make a smooth transition. Minutes from the Public Safety meeting are filed with these minutes.
Motion by Farris second by Carter to enter into an agreement with J&M Critter Care with the new/revised contract. Aye: Farris, Ferguson, Hammer, Prestegaard, Ryan, Tilley, Walters, Werts, Witte, Carter. Motion Carried.
Ferguson gave the Board a brief description of what was discussed at the current month’s Property meeting. He said they are getting ready to bid out the landscaping project around the jail and courthouse. Minutes from the Property meeting are filed with these minutes.
Motion by Ferguson second by Tilley to accept the bid from Central IL Coatings in the amount of $16,982.00 to repaint/coat the shower areas in the jail. Aye: Farris, Ferguson, Hammer, Prestegaard, Ryan, Tilley, Walters, Werts, Witte, Carter. Motion Carried.
Prestegaard gave the Board a brief description of what was discussed at the current month’s Road and Bridge meeting. Minutes from the Road and Bridge meeting are filed with these minutes.
Motion by Prestegaard second by Werts to approve the Sourcewell quote from Nextran USA for purchase of 2026 Mack Granite Tandem including extended warranty in the amount of $292,971.00. Prestegaard explained to the Board that this is the County’s 5th Mack Tandem in the last 8 years. They have been purchased to replace the older International trucks. The Macks should last longer and come with stainless-steel beds compared to just a steel bed like the Internationals have. He doesn’t anticipate any new tandems needing to be purchased for a while. Aye: Farris, Ferguson, Hammer, Prestegaard, Ryan, Tilley, Walters, Werts, Witte, Carter. Motion Carried.
Tilley gave the Board a brief description of what was discussed at the current month’s Finance meeting. Minutes from the Finance meeting are filed with these minutes.
Motion by Tilley second by Ferguson to pay all bills. Aye: Farris, Ferguson, Hammer, Prestegaard, Ryan, Tilley, Walters, Werts, Witte, Carter. Motion Carried.
Motion by Witte second by Prestegaard to approve Resolution Amending The County Clerk Predictable Fee Schedule. The Co Clerk explained that this resolution was approved in Oct or Nov of 2024, however, some wording that needed to be included in the resolution had been left out on the original resolution, so this resolution is just correcting the wording. No fees have changed since the last resolution was passed. Aye: Farris, Ferguson, Hammer, Prestegaard, Ryan, Tilley, Walters, Werts, Witte, Carter. Motion Carried.
Motion by Witte second by Farris to pay an amount equal to the County taxes on parcel 07-35-376-008 to Titan Properties LLC (DBA Kwik-Wall Company) starting on the purchase closing date of the property by Titan Properties, LLC, and continuing for 5 years or until the property is sold by Titan Properties, LLC, whichever occurs first. Kurt Homann was present from the DCDC to introduce the owners of Kwik-Wall and explained that the company is asking for an abatement of the County portion of the tax bill to help them while they invest several millions of dollars and purchase property in DeWitt County. He also told the Board that this new business should bring approximately 100 union jobs to the community. He also explained the biggest part of the tax bill comes from the County, City and School District which is why they are coming to the Board asking for an abatement on the County’s portion. Kwik-Wall reps gave a brief history of the company and said their locations in Springfield and Mt. Pulaski will consolidate to the DeWitt County location. He said it will take some where between 1-1.5 million dollars to renovate the building. State’s Attorney Markwell asked if Kwik-Wall would be ok with instead of abating the taxes, the Board just offset the County’s portion of their tax bill by providing money from somewhere like the Economic Development Fund for the County’s portion of the tax bill each of the 5 years. They said they would be fine with that. Witte asked exactly what their company name is. They informed Witte that it is Capital Wood Works, LLC- DBA Kwik-Wall but that they also started a new LLC that they will be using for this project, and that name is Titan Properties, LLC. That is the name that will be on the purchase of the property in DeWitt County. Aye: Farris, Ferguson, Hammer, Prestegaard, Ryan, Tilley, Walters, Werts, Witte, Carter. Motion Carried.
Motion by Witte second by Tilley to approve Treasurer’s 2025 Investment Policy. Aye: Farris, Ferguson, Hammer, Prestegaard, Ryan, Tilley, Walters, Werts, Witte, Carter. Motion Carried.
Motion by Witte second by Tilley to approve Treasurer’s 2024 Annual Report. Aye: Farris, Ferguson, Hammer, Prestegaard, Ryan, Tilley, Walters, Werts, Witte, Carter. Motion Carried.
Motion by Tilley second by Ferguson to adjourn at 6:51pm with all in favor.