
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Village of Argenta Board of Trustees met December 17

Meeting 11

Village of Argenta Board of Trustees met Dec. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order: Mayor Luedke called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Mayor Luedke and Trustees Logan, Barker, Crowder, Kaufman, and Pagel were present.

Trustee Hanna and Clerk Sherry Koszesza were absent. Also in attendance was Street

Superintendent Ken Smith. Residents in attendance were Liz Garrett, Sherry Slemp, Lawrence Slemp, Sharon Workman, Terry Kaufman and Terry Garrett.

Pledge of Allegiance

Consent Agenda:

1. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes of November 19, 2018 #18-11-19 R19

2. Approval of Disbursements #18-12-17 D20

3. Approval of Bank Reconciliations #18-12-17 BR12

 Trustee Pagel moved and Trustee Kaufman seconded to approve the Consent

Agenda as presented.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Logan = Yes

Barker = Yes

Crowder= Yes

Kaufman = Yes

Hanna = Absent

Pagel = Yes

Motion carried.

Public Comment: There was none.

Recognition of Visitors: There were none.

Department Reports:

1. Law Enforcement Report. Deputy Wendell was off duty. There was no report.

2. Village Staff Reports. Street Superintendent Ken Smith said that the concrete pad for the generator is done. The generator should be here in mid-January. Some sidewalk work has been done. He has plowed the school lots once. Trustee Crowder asked about the bill from Woodford Test Lane. Mayor Luedke explained why the dump truck had been taken there. Trustee Crowder said that we need to test all of the equipment in town.

3. Mayor’s Report. Mayor Luedke said that only 1 ordinance violation letter had been sent. She said that we may have to send one for a truck to be moved. She told the Board that Dary Burnett Concrete donated 8 feet of sidewalk in front of a house that has a handicapped resident.

4. Attorney’s Report. There was no report.

Old Business:

 Discuss/Vote on water rate increase. Mayor Luedke said that there have been no water rate increases since 2007. The Board would like more information regarding minimum charges, gallons used, etc. They would like the information before the packet is sent out. Table this item until the next meeting.

 Discuss/Vote on sponsoring CEO Program. Mayor Luedke said that Argenta would partner with Oreana for the donation. She said that Kirby Hospital gave $25,000.00 to the program. She is asking that the Board donate $500.00 per year for 3 years. Table this item until the next meeting.

New Business:

 Discuss/Vote on Tax Levy Ordinance #18-12-17 Ord 07. Trustee Barker suggested raising the Corporate Liability by 3% and raising the Police to $3918.45.

 Trustee Barker moved and Trustee Kaufman seconded to approve the Tax Levy increase of 3% for Corporate and raising Police to $3918.45

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Logan = No Barker = Yes Crowder= No Kaufman = No Hanna = Absent Pagel = No

Motion denied.

 Trustee Pagel moved and Trustee Logan seconded to approve the Tax Levy with no increase.

Upon a call of the roll, the vote was: Logan = Yes

Barker = No Crowder= Yes Kaufman = Yes Hanna = Absent Pagel = Yes

Motion passed.

Trustee Kaufman would like to check into leasing a printer.

Closed Session:

Open Session:


 Trustee Kaufman moved, and Trustee Pagel seconded, to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Upon a call of the roll, the vote was:

Logan = Yes

Barker = Yes

Crowder= Yes

Kaufman= Yes

Hanna = Absent

Pagel = Yes
