Clinton Community Unit School District 15 Board met Jan. 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Upon roll call the following members were present:
Mrs. Sondra Baker
Mr. John Blythe
Mr. Ron Conner
Mr. Chris Hammer
Mr. Dan Matthews
Mr. Rodney Rogers
Absent: Mr. Cole Ritter
Administrators present were:
Mr. Curt Nettles, Superintendent of Schools
Mr. Drew Goebel, Director of Business and Support Staff Services
Mr. Jerry Wayne, High School Principal
Mr. Josh Maxwell, Junior High School Principal
Mr. James Peck, Junior High School Assistant Principal
Mrs. Sacha Young, Clinton Elementary School Principal
Mr. Ben Mooney, Clinton Elementary School Principal
Mrs. Beth Wickenhauser, Douglas/Lincoln School Principal
Others present were:
Jordan Murphy-Leach
State Scholars
Phyllis Marquis
Debbie Underwood
Tammie Ennis
Brian Ennis
CHS Illinois State Scholars were recognized by the board.
It was moved by Baker, seconded by Conner, to approve the consent agenda which includes:
A. Approve the minutes of the December 18 regular meeting.
B. Financial Information – Imprest Fund, Petty Cash Report, Treasurer’s Report, Investment Summary, Insurance Pool Report, Transportation Report, Activity Fund Report, Cafeteria Report and Bills.
C. Approve the employment of Sharon Clawson as an aide at CES effective immediately.
D. Approve the employment of April Harvey as an aide at CES effective immediately.
E. Approve the maternity leave request for Ashley Nash beginning on around April 15, 2019 through the end of the school year.
F. Approve the maternity leave request for Lisa Groves beginning on or around March 28, 2019 through the end of the year using FMLA to extend past 6 weeks.
G. Approve the maternity leave request for Kristen Cooper beginning on or around April 29, 2019 through then end of the year.
H. Approve the paternity leave request for Matt Cooper for 3 weeks beginning on or around April 29, 2019.
I. Accept the resignation of Kristen Cooper as 7th grade girls’ basketball coach effective immediately.
The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call was taken:
Baker, yea
Blythe, yea
Conner, yea
Hammer, yea
Matthews, yea
Rogers, yea
Motion carried.
Graduation dates - CHS is May 19 and CJHS to be determined
Governor Pritzker’s campaign promises - Gave the board some key points
Instructional Day – New rules and school calendar changes
Intervention help for CJHS - Considering additional staff for RTI help and PD
Instructional coaching for grades 2 – 8 - Considering additional help for PD
ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Conner, seconded byHammer, and duly voted by acclamation to adjourn at 7:17pm