
Macon Reporter

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Mt. Zion Public Library District Board met May 12


Mt. Zion Public Library District Board met May 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President S. Jesse called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Members present: Michele Stine, Mark Rich, Sheri Jesse, Sharon White, Austin Jesse, Jeff Propst and Andrea Trusner. Library Director: Maria Dent.


Motion A. Jesse to adopt the agenda. Second Trusner. Motion carried.


(no April 2020 meeting)

Financial Report:

Motion Rich to approve the April 14, 2020 bill list. Second White. Motion carried.

Motion Trusner to approve the current bill list. Second A. Jesse. Motion carried.

Discussion held regarding Treasurer’s Report.

Librarian’s Report:

Discussion held.

Committee Reports:

Buildings and Grounds: No Report.

Finance: No Report.

Personnel: No report

Unfinished Business:

Motion Trusner for sign committee to postpone moving forward with sign installment. Second Rich. Motion carried.

New Business:

Motion A. Jesse to pass the Building and Maintenance Ordinance 2020-2021-1. Second Rich. Motion carried. Passed unanimously 7 ayes, 0 nays.

Motion A. Jesse to go ahead with curbside pickup beginning May 18th. Second Rich. Motion carried.

Motion A. Jesse to approve the curbside pickup procedure as discussed. Second Propst. Motion carried.

Motion A. Jesse to follow the phased reopening with reduced hours. Second Propst. Motion carried.

Motion Trusner to approve the pandemic policy with amended suggestions. Second Rich. Motion carried.

Motion Trusner to not purchase mulch for plant beds this year. Second A. Jesse. Motion carried.

Motion Rich to accept the board officers as follows: S. Jesse-President, Stine-Vice President, Trusner-Secretary, A. Jesse-Treasurer. Second Trusner. Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
