
Macon Reporter

Sunday, December 22, 2024

City of Decatur City Council met Sept. 6

City of Decatur City Council met Sept. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

I. Call to Order

1. Roll Call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Proclamations and Recognitions

III. Appearance of Citizens

Policy relative to Appearance of Citizens:

A 30-minute time period is provided for citizens to appear and express their views before the City Council. Each citizen speaking will be limited to one appearance of up to 3 minutes. No immediate response will be given by City Council or City staff members. Citizens are to give their documents (if any) to the Police Officer for distribution to the Council. When the Mayor determines that all persons wishing to speak in accordance with this policy have done so, members of the City Council and key staff may make comments.

IV. Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes of August 15, 2022 City Council Meeting

V. Unfinished Business

VI. New Business

1. Resolution Authorizing ARPA Expenditures for the Small Housing Improvement Program with Northeast Community Fund

2. Resolution Authorizing Amendment to Grand Avenue TIF Redevelopment Agreement with Niemann Holdings, LLC

3. Resolution Authorizing Payment to CDS Office Technologies for the Purchase of Upgraded Body Worn Cameras and Equipment for the Decatur Police Department, and for Upgrading the Police Department's Digital Evidence System to a New Unified Digital Evidence Platform

4. Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the County of Macon and the City of Decatur for a Multi-Jurisdictional Street Crimes Task Force

5. Resolution Authorizing Accepting the STEP Grant Award to the Decatur Police Department by the Illinois Department Of Transportation

6. Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Modifications to the Collective Bargaining Agreement Regarding Pay, Benefits, and Work Conditions Between the Decatur Police Benevolent And Protective Association Labor Committee and the City of Decatur

7. Consent Calendar: Items on the Consent Agenda/Calendar are matters requiring City Council approval or acceptance, but which are routine and recurring in nature, are not controversial, are matters of limited discretion, and about which little or no discussion is anticipated. However, staff’s assessment of what should be included on the Consent Agenda/Calendar can be in error. For this reason, any Consent Agenda/Calendar item can be removed from the Consent Agenda/Calendar by any member of the governing body, for any reason, without the need for concurrence by any other governing body member. Items removed from the Consent Agenda/Calendar will be discussed and voted on separately from the remainder of the Consent Agenda/Calendar.

A. Resolution Approving the Transfer of 1421 East Orchard Street, Decatur from Woodford Homes, Inc. to Dove, Inc.

B. Ordinance Annexing Territory Decatur & Eastern Illinois Railroad

C. Ordinance Annexing Territory Multiple Properties Decatur Park District

D. Ordinance Closing Portion of Alley between North Main and North Church Streets, and between West Prairie and West Main Streets

E. Resolution Authorizing the Certifications and Acceptance of the 2022 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant

F. Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the County of Macon and the City Of Decatur for Distribution of 2022 Byrne Justice Assistance Grant

G. Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Parkland Environmental for the Demolition of Vacant Building at 1440 N. Church

H. Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with Parkland Environmental for the Demolition of Vacant Building at 1927 N. Union

I. Receiving and Filing of Minutes of Boards and Commissions

VII. Other Business

VIII. Adjournment
