
Macon Reporter

Saturday, February 1, 2025

City of Decatur City Council met May 1

City of Decatur City Council met May 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

On Monday, May 1, 2023, the City Council of the City of Decatur, Illinois, met in Regular Meeting at 5:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, One Gary K. Anderson Plaza, Decatur, Illinois.

Julie Moore Wolfe was sworn into the office of Mayor.

Pat McDaniel, Dennis Cooper and Lisa Gregory were sworn into the office of City Council member.

Mayor Julie Moore Wolfe presided, together with her being Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper and Pat McDaniel. Councilman Chuck Kuhle was absent. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared a quorum present.

City Manager Scot Wrighton attended the meeting as well.

Mayor Moore Wolfe led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor Moore Wolfe recognized Dr. Dana Ray for serving out the remainder of the term of former Councilman Bill Faber who resigned from the City Council on January 4, 2023.

Mayor Moore Wolfe recognized the Robertson Charter School 8th grade boys’ basketball team who were undefeated and won the 2023 2A IESA Championship. Mayor Moore Wolfe presented the team with Stephen Decatur medallions.

Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Appearance of Citizens and the following citizens provided comments to the Council: Jim Taylor, Abeer Motan and Jeremy Ruderman.

Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Approval of the Minutes.

The minutes of the April 17, 2023, City Council meeting were presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the minutes be approved as written; seconded by Councilman Horn and on call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

With no Unfinished Business, Mayor Moore Wolfe called for New Business.

2023-26 Ordinance Approving Appointment - Mayor Pro Tempore, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Horn.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Councilwoman Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-27 Ordinance Approving Appointment - City Clerk, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Horn.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

2023-28 Ordinance Approving Appointment – Treasurer, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Ordinance do pass, seconded by Councilman Horn.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-78 Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate Terms and Execute an Agreement between the City of Decatur and Having a Ball Productions for Lake Fest 2023 Event Management, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Horn.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Resolution.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-79 Resolution Authorizing an Agreement with the State of Illinois for the Improvements to IL 121 from University Avenue to 0.6 miles Northwest of Interstate 72, City Project 2023-06, Section No. 23-00306-00-TL, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Horn.

City Manager Wrighton gave an overview of the Resolution.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-80 Resolution to Appropriate State Motor Fuel Tax Funds to Pay the City's Portion for the Improvements to IL 121 University Avenue 0.6 Miles Northwest of Interstate 72 by Municipality Under Illinois Highway Code, City Project 2023-06 Section No. 23-00306-00- TL, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Horn.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-81 Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement with S. Shafer Excavating for the Demolition of 1202 E. Eldorado, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Horn.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-82 Resolution Accepting Rush Truck Centers Invoice for Bus Engine Rebuild, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Horn.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-83 Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. R2022-19 Accepting the Quote of Midwest Public Safety LLC for the Purchase for Six Getac B630 Computers and Associated Equipment, was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Horn.

Mr. Jim Edwards, Director of IT, gave an overview of the Resolution.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

R2023-84 Resolution Accepting the Bid Price of CDS Office Technologies for the Purchase of Eleven New Panasonic Toughbook Computers with Associated Technology for Five Police Vehicles Purchased in February of 2022 (R2022-18) and Six Police Vehicles Approved for Purchase in January of 2023 (R2023-53), was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Horn.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

Motion to Finalize the Scope of Work for the Fairview/Oakland/Grand Sewer Separation Project), was presented. Councilwoman Gregory moved the Resolution do pass, seconded by Councilman Horn.

City Manager Wrighton clarified that the motion should be for selecting Alternative 3.

Council members discussed alternatives for the sewer project and a majority of Council members agreed on Alternative 3, full separation of the storm and sanitary with a storm discharge to Steven’s Creek south of Fairview Park.

Upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Councilman David Horn voted nay. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Consent Agenda Calendar Items A. through H. and asked if any Council member wished to remove an item from the Consent Agenda Calendar. No Council member requested to remove an item from the Consent Agenda Calendar. The Clerk read items A. through H.:

R2023-85 Item A. Resolution Approving Reappointment - City Plan Commission R2023-86 Item B. Resolution Approving Reappointments - Electrical Commission R2023-87 Item C. Resolution Approving Reappointment - Historical and Architectural Sites Commission

R2023-88 Item D. Resolution Approving Reappointments - Police Pension Fund Board of Trustees

R2023-89 Item E. Resolution Authorizing Signatory Authority Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Appointment of Authorized Agent

2023-29 Item F. Ordinance Annexing Territory 2225 South Taylor Road

R2023-90 Item G. Resolution Accepting Presidio Networked Solutions Group, LLC Quote for Purchase of Two Master Backbone Core Network Switches

R2023-91 Item H. Resolution Accepting the Quote and Authorizing the Work with Christy-Foltz, Inc for Interior Painting at Transit Center 353 E. William

Councilwoman Gregory moved Items A. through H. be approved by Omnibus Vote; seconded by Councilman Horn, and on call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

With no other New Business, Mayor Moore Wolfe called for Other Business.

Council members expressed their condolences to those involved in the wreck that occurred on Interstate 55 resulting in several casualties. Council members thanked Jim Taylor and Lloyd Holman for their efforts in the Workers Memorial Day ceremony honoring fallen workers. Council members encouraged citizens to vote in municipal elections and congratulated Dennis Cooper, Lisa Gregory and Pat McDaniel for their Council win.

There being no further business, Mayor Moore Wolfe called for adjournment. Councilwoman Gregory moved the City Council meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilman Horn and upon call of the roll, Council members Lisa Gregory, David Horn, Ed Culp, Dennis Cooper, Pat McDaniel and Mayor Moore Wolfe voted aye. Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the motion carried.

Mayor Moore Wolfe declared the City Council meeting adjourned at 6:27 p.m.
