
Macon Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Sangamon Valley Community Unit School District 9 Board of Education met May 10

 Sangamon Valley Community Unit School District 9 Board of Education met May 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

President Stephanie Guerrero called the May meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.  Board members present were: Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood. Absent: Lori Campbell.


Also present:  Superintendent Bob Meadows, SVP Principal Bethany Wellbaum, SVI Principal Kristina Sommer, SVMS Principal Jonathan Downing, and SVHS Principal Jonathan Field.

Pledge to the Flag

Ms. Wellbaum led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Closed Session

Josh Hilbert moved and Matt Wood seconded the motion to enter closed session at 6:09 p.m. for the reasons stated on the agenda. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Closed Session Adjournment

Jeff Stahl moved and Matt Wood seconded the motion to re-enter open session at 6:35 p.m. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Closed Session Minutes

Josh Hilbert moved and Jessica Browning seconded the motion to accept the closed session minutes as read in closed session. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Martha Leeper moved and Jessica Browning seconded the motion to accept the resignation of Bethany Wellbaum as Primary School Principal effective June 7, 2023. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Josh Hilbert moved and Matt Wood seconded the motion to accept the resignation of Tony Nika as HS Special Education Teacher effective May 24, 2023.  Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Jeff Stahl moved and Martha Leeper seconded the motion to accept the resignation of Angie Cyrulik as HS National Honor Society Sponsor effective May 24, 2023. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Matt Wood moved and Josh Hilbert seconded the motion to accept the resignation of Nick Viele as MS Head Boys Basketball Coach effective immediately. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Martha Leeper moved and Stephanie Guerrero seconded the motion to accept the resignation of Vanessa Templeton as MS Assistant Girls Volleyball Coach effective immediately. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Martha Leeper moved and Josh Hilbert seconded the motion to accept the resignation of Rachel Roettger as HS Spring Musical Director effective immediately. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Jeff Stahl moved and Matt Wood seconded the motion to accept the resignation of Jennifer Williams as an At-Will Custodian effective May 26, 2023.  Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Martha Leeper moved and Josh Hilbert seconded the motion to employ James Marksberry as a Permanent Substitute Teacher effective at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Matt Wood moved and Martha Leeper seconded the motion to employ Jessica Whightsil as the Primary Building Interventionist effective at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  Abstain: Stephanie Guerrero. All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Jessica Browning moved and Matt Wood seconded the motion to employ Alexa Jones as National Honor Society Sponsor at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Martha Leeper moved and Jessica Browning seconded the motion to employ Tracy David as an At-Will Transportation Director effective May 24, 2023. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Matt Wood moved and Stephanie Guerrero seconded the motion to employ Jake Short as an At-Will Custodian effective May 8, 2023. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Matt Wood moved and Jeff Stahl seconded the motion to employ Stephen Ward as HS Assistant Girls Basketball Coach effective at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Consent Agenda

Josh Hilbert moved and Martha Leeper seconded the motion to approve the consent agenda as presented.  Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Superintendent’s Report

Mr Meadows discussed the following items with the Board:

Amended Budget

Employee Health Insurance Renewal

Cooperative Wrestling program (now possibly hosted by TC)

Job Openings 2023-2024

Amended Budget

Martha Leeper moved and Matt Wood seconded the motion to accept the tentative amended 2022-2023 district budget as presented. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried..

Amended Budget Hearing

Jeff Stahl moved and Martha Leeper seconded the motion to set the hearing for the amended 2022-2023 district budget as part of the regular board meeting on June 21, 2023 at 6:00 P.M.  Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Jessica Browning moved and Jeff Stahl seconded the motion to hire Floyd & Associates as our auditors for the 2023-2024 school year at a cost not to exceed $15,000.  Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Evaluation Software

Martha Leeper moved and Jeff Stahl seconded the motion to purchase the Superintendent Evaluation software from SuperEval for an amount not to exceed $2,195. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  Nays-Josh Hilbert. Motion carried.

Board Meeting Schedule

Josh Hilbert moved and Matt Wood seconded the motion to approve the 2023-2024 Board Meeting Schedule as presented.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Safe School

Martha Leeper moved and Stephanie Guerrero seconded the motion to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Macon-Piatt Regional Office of Education to provide safe school (Milligan Academy) and truant alternative/optional education (Futures Unlimited) programs for the 2023-2024 school year. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Hutchins Excavating

Matt Wood moved and Jessica Browning seconded the motion to hire Hutchins Excavating to build a dumpster pad at the Illiopolis campus at a cost not to exceed $9,200. Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Hutchins Excavating

Martha Leeper moved and Josh Hilbert seconded the motion to hire Hutchins Excavating to replace the gym hallway ramp at the Illiopolis campus at a cost not to exceed $6,000.  Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Jack-A-Slab Construction

Jeff Stahl moved and Matt Wood seconded the motion to hire Jack-A-Slab Construction for sidewalk repair at the Intermediate Building at a cost not to exceed $3,250.  Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

IASB Joint Annual Conference

Jessica Browning moved and Martha Leeper seconded the motion to approve the board to attend the IASB Joint Annual Conference on November 17-19, 2023.  Roll call vote: Ayes- Jessica Browning, Stephanie Guerrero, Josh Hilbert, Martha Leeper, Jeff Stahl and Matt Wood.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

The hearing for the amended 2022-2023 budget will be held on June 21, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. with the regular meeting to begin immediately after.

There will be a Special Board Meeting for Press Policy Update #111 on June 7, 2023 at 5:30 P.M.

Congratulations to the MS Boys Track team who won sectionals and are headed to State!


Matt Wood moved and Jessica Browning seconded the motion that the meeting be adjourned at 7:38 p.m.  All voted in favor. Motion carried. 
