
Macon Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Decatur Public School District 61 Board of Education met Aug. 22

Decatur Public School District 61 Board of Education met Aug. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

PRESENT: Bill Clevenger, President 

Jason Dion, Vice President

Kevin Collins-Brown 

Mark Reynolds

Al Scheider

ABSENT: Alana Banks and Will Wetzel

STAFF: Superintendent Dr. Rochelle Clark, Board Secretary Melissa Bradford, Attorney Luke Feeney and others

President Clevenger called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Call for Closed Executive Session 

President Clevenger called the meeting to order and moved into Closed Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, the purchase or lease of real property for use of the public body, pending litigation (settlement agreement) and collective negotiating matters between the Board and representatives of its employees, seconded by Dr. Collins-Brown. 

President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Dion, Scheider, Clevenger, Reynolds, Collins-Brown

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Wetzel

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent

Returned to Open Session 

President Clevenger moved to return to Open Session, seconded by Dr. Collins Brown. All were in favor. 

Call for Public Hearing – Tentative Budget for Macon-Piatt Special Education 

President Clevenger called the Public Hearing to order at 6:30 PM and noted for the Board and public that the hearing was to give an opportunity to the public and Board Members to present any written or oral testimony and/or comments on the subject of the Tentative Budget for Macon-Piatt Special Education for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024. The Board of Education had a tentative form of this budget prepared by the Business Office and the Board Secretary has made the same conveniently available to the public for inspection for the last 30 days prior to today’s action. 

President Clevenger asked if any written comments had been received or if anyone wanted to present written comments. None had been received and none were presented. 

President Clevenger asked if anyone wished to speak on this subject and no one requested to speak, including Board members. 

President Clevenger noted that he had given an opportunity for public participation, oral and written testimony, and then declared the public hearing closed at 6:34 PM. 

Open Session Continued 

President Clevenger noted that the Board of Education had been in Closed Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, the purchase or lease of real property for use of the public body, pending litigation (settlement agreement) and collective negotiating matters between the Board and representatives of its employees. No action was taken during Closed Executive Session. 

Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Agenda, August 22, 2023 

President Clevenger led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the August 22, 2023 Open Session Board Meeting Agenda as presented. 

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. All were in favor. 

District Highlight 

Sarah Knuppel, Principal of Pershing Early Learning Center, presented and shared information regarding their enrollment and waiting list. At this time, Pershing was at capacity and this shows the need in the community for ages 3-5; they were also almost fully staffed. Principal Knuppel invited the Board Members to visit Pershing. 

Public Participation 

President Clevenger noted that during Public Participation, the Board of Education asked for the following: 

• Identify oneself and be brief. 

• Comments should be limited to 3 minutes. 

• Any public comments submitted to the Board Secretary will be included in the record. 

For our listening audience, please note that during any Board of Education meeting and public participation, Board Members do NOT respond and/or comment to public comments; all comments are referred to administration. Furthermore, the Board refrains from referring to specific students or staff members by name, and requests that public commenters refrain from doing so as well. The request that you omit names was made to protect you from allegations of libel or slander or from violations of the Illinois School Student Records Act. It was not intended to shield an employee from criticism. 

Luke Feeney, District Attorney, noted that the District was aware of allegations against a specific employee and takes these matters seriously, but will not comment on any ongoing investigations or matters related to individual employees. 

Reed Sutman, Decatur Votes, spoke to the Board regarding the Social Emotional Learning 7 Mindsets initiative and the Facebook group that had positive and negative feedback regarding this contract; Reed suggested a follow-up report. Reed stated there was news regarding the DFTA contract issues as well as negotiation issues with security and maintenance. Reed asked for reports on the negotiations and the Explorer program. Reed noted his many FOIA requests and asked if we could look into our software capability to export to spreadsheets. 

Tara Pitt, ADSA Teacher and DPS parent, spoke to the Board and thanked the District for the Summer Programming and the funding provided for DPS students. There were a lot of amazing programs and her daughter was able to participate. She asked the District to please continue with these summer opportunities in the future as they provided a safe place and benefits for our DPS students and families. 

Michelle Mitchell, President of DFTA and the Executive Vice President of IFT, spoke to the Board regarding how they desire to be treated, valued and respected. DFTA employees have many positions that make sure Decatur Public Schools and Macon-Piatt Special Education Districts were running like a well-oiled machine. DFTA’s contract expired on June 30, 2023 and had met several times with the District to settle a new contract to no avail. The goal was not to disrupt student learning. They have proposed items of survival and are the boots on the ground, but they feel least valued. She asked the District to show an appreciation for DFTA and settle the contract. 

Keith Creighton, Assistant Principal at Dennis Lab School, spoke to the Board regarding the butterfly artwork that was retrieved from the Kaleidoscope campus. He shared some rich history of the symbol and how it tied into project-based learning. The Garfield campus was transitioned with an addition of modular classrooms that were very nice. The community and the District supported and rallied around Dennis. They have been set up for success and was not eager to fix the existing problems at the old Dennis campuses and move back. He extended an invitation to the Board to visit the new campus and view the artwork by Gavin Crim (student). Monarch’s Rise! 

President Clevenger thanked everyone for their input. 

Board Discussion 

Mr. Scheider requested the 10th day enrollment report (enrollment in each grade and at each school). 

Reports from Admins Harvard University 

Kristi Mullinix, Principal of South Shores Elementary School, and Kamra Meador, Principal of Dennis Lab School, presented a report on the Leadership Conference at Harvard University that several administrators attended (attached). They shared their experiences along with their colleagues’ and the takeaways. They thanked the Board of Education for this opportunity. 

Summer School Programs 

Dr. Larry Gray, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, and Maria Robertson, Director of Community Engagement, presented information regarding summer school and the summer school programs (attached). Dr. Gray noted that the main focus of summer school was reading and math. 

Mrs. Robertson noted that the Community Summer Programs (additional learning opportunities) were well attended. There were over 1,400 DPS students enrolled in the various programs. This was the second year that the District paid for the summer program fees and thanked the community partners who signed up and hosted our students. 

President Clevenger asked for some type of feedback mechanism for students and parents for next summer that could be shared with our community partners. Mrs. Robertson replied yes. 

Dennis Lab School Update 

Superintendent Clark presented an update on the progress and timeline for Dennis Lab School students and staff and other additional information regarding Stephen Decatur Middle School and Garfield Learning Academy (attached). Dennis students will start on Tuesday, September 05, 2023. Kent Metzger, Director of Buildings and Grounds, noted that contents will be moved in the mobile units and they will be ready on September 05, 2023. 

Superintendent Clark thanked B&Gs and the vendors for their hard work. 

Superintendent Clark noted that administration was still working on the analysis for both Dennis campuses. 

Keith Creighton, Assistant Superintendent of Dennis Lab School, noted that they worked with DEA and HR regarding two Open House options; there were Wednesdays, August 30th and Thursday, September 7th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM; teachers could choose one or the other. 

President Clevenger also thanked everyone for their hard work. Mr. Metzger replied it was a team effort and thanked everyone. 

Consent Items 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Consent Items as presented, which included:

A. Minutes: Open/Closed Meetings August 08, 2023

B. Treasurer’s Report

C. Financial Conditions Report

D. Out-Of-Line Bills

E. Resolution Authorizing the Sale of Technology Equipment

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Scheider. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Clevenger, Dion, Reynolds, Collins-Brown, Scheider

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Wetzel

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent

Possible Settlement Agreement with a Custodial Employee 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Settlement Agreement with Rob Lane, a former Custodial Employee, as presented.

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Scheider. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Reynolds, Clevenger, Dion, Scheider, Collins-Brown

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Wetzel

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent

Personnel Action Items 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the Personnel Action Items listed in the Memo from Deanne Hillman, Interim Director of Human Resources, and the Human Resources Department as presented.

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Reynolds, Scheider, Collins-Brown, Dion, Clevenger

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Wetzel

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent

Tentative Budget for FY2023-2024 for DPS 61 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education approve the FY2023- 2024 Decatur Public School District 61 Tentative Budget as presented. She noted that a presentation would take place during the September 12, 2023 Open Session Board of Education meeting by Dr. Mike Curry, Chief Operational Officer.

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Dr. CollinsBrown. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Scheider, Dion, Clevenger, Reynolds, Collins-Brown

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Wetzel

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent'

Set Public Hearing Date 

President Clevenger asked for a motion to Set the Public Hearing for the FY2023- 2024 Decatur Public School District 61 Tentative Budget for 6:30 PM on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at the Keil Administration Building.

Vice President Dion motioned, seconded by Dr. Collins-Brown. All were in favor.

Resolution: FY24 MPSED Budget 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board approve/adopt the FY 2023–2024 Macon-Piatt Special Education District Budget as presented.

Mr. Scheider moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Clevenger, Reynolds, Dion, Scheider, Collins-Brown

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Wetzel

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent

Award the Bid for the New Parking Lot on the Garfield Campus 

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education award the Bid for the New Parking Lot on the Garfield Campus, as presented.

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Vice President Dion. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Collins-Brown, Scheider, Reynolds, Clevenger, Dion

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Wetzel

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent

Award Bid to Aramark for the Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program for the 2023-2024 School Year

Superintendent Clark recommended the Board of Education award the Bid to Aramark Food Service for the Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Program for the 2023-2024 School Year, as presented.

Dr. Collins-Brown moved to approve the recommendation, seconded by Mr. Scheider. Hearing no questions, President Clevenger called for a Roll Call Vote:

Aye: Dion, Reynolds, Clevenger, Collins-Brown, Scheider

Nay: None

Absent: Banks and Wetzel

Roll Call Vote: 5 Aye, 0 Nay, 2 Absent


The Board of Education and Administration sends condolences to the families of: 

Richard Russell, who passed away Saturday, July 29, 2023. Mr. Russell was the grandfather of Allison Lancaster, Secretary to the Principal at Franklin Grove Elementary School.

Richard Malloy, who passed away Wednesday, August 09, 2023. Mr. Malloy was the brother of Lisa Larry, 1st grade Teaching Assistant at Johns Hill Magnet School.

Jane Wright, who passed away Thursday, August 17, 2023. Mrs. Wright was the mother-in-law of William Wetzel, DPS 61 Board of Education Member. 

Important Dates 

September 04 Labor Day Holiday

– NO SCHOOL and District Offices are Closed

 05 TENTATIVE First Day of School for Dennis Lab School Students for the 2023-2024 School Year

 13 District-wide Half Day

– Please check with your home school regarding the release time

 29 Induction of Athletes and Coaches to Decatur Public Schools Athletic Hall of Fame

– During half time of the Eisenhower versus MacArthur High School Football Game

– Kickoff at 5:00 PM at MacArthur High School

Please Note: The banquet (09/29/23) before kickoff for the inductees is by invitation only. 

Additional Reminders & Upcoming Dates

Reminder: Dennis Lab School students ONLY will begin in-person at a later date, which is tentatively set for Tuesday, September 5, 2023, the day after the Labor Day Holiday. Updates to the Dennis families will continue up to the start of school. 

Please see the attached Multicultural flyer with upcoming August and September dates. If any questions regarding the information, please contact Jeff Dase, Assistant Superintendent of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at jdase@dps61.org and/or 217 362-3013.

Please Note: October 16 th is the Deadline for the Required Immunizations and Physicals for the 2023-2024 School Year. 


The public portion of the next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be at 6:30 PM, Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at the Keil Administration Building. 


President Clevenger asked for a motioned to adjourn. Dr. Collins-Brown motioned, seconded by Vice President Dion. All were in favor. 

Board adjourned at 7:28 PM. 



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