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Aerial View of the Village of Harristown | Village of Harristown Website
Village of Harristown Board of Trustees met Sept. 25.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Harristown held their monthly meeting on September 25,2023, at 185 N. Kembark St., Harristown,IL. Trustees Kevin Vessels, April Bogan, Curt Terry, Jeff Eller, Jay Trusner, Les Jenkins, Mayor Evelyn Deverell, Treasurer Teresa Acree, Budget Officer Rick Laskowski, and Attorney Joshua Dubbelde were in attendance. Clerk Penny Allen was absent. Mayor Deverell called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Adopt Agenda
Motion by Trustee Vessels to approve meeting agenda. Trustee Trusner 2'd. Approved 6-0.
Approve Mtnutes a) August 28,2A23 Regular meeting. Motion by Trustee Trusner to approve mseting
minutes with no changes. Trustee Eller 2'd. Approved 6-0.
b) September 11,2023 Special meeting. Motion by Trnstee Vessels to approve meeting minutes with no changes. Trustee Ellsr 2nd. Approved 6-0.
a) Justin Olson (General Code) - Recodifu ordinances. The last time village ordinances were recodified was 2011. His company will provide an examination of the ordinances, suggesting changes making them easier to understand and update. Assembling the scope of the project will be about 30 days. Discussions with Board members will be held thru Q&A sessions on the ECODE360 website. Target dates will be established. Project completion estimated at 12 months. A sulnmary of suggested changes will be available. Standardization is suggested, inconsistencies will be identified. Clarification is needed on sorne ordinances. Two signatures are needed on the contract if the decision is made to move forward.
b) Other visitors - none.
Treasurers Report
a) An estimate of current bank balances (Scott State Bank and lllinois Funds) rvas presented. The August2023 Financial Report listing receipts, total disbursements, and bank balances by Fund was reviewed. Motion by Trustee Trusner to approve the financial report, Trustee Vessels 2nd, approved 6-0.
b) A list of invoices >$1,000 requiring Board approval was also presented. The list contained 4 invoices: $23,638.00 Macon County Fence Co. (new slide gate & opener @water plant), $4,402.30 Gasvoda & Ass. (Parts for pump) paid from the sewer fund, $1,240.00 IMOC Utility Supply paid from the water fund and $1,234.50 EJ Water (climb tower and shut hatch) paid from the water fund. It was suggested that the Macon County Fencing invoice payment be split between the TIP tund ($14,760), the water tund ($4,378) and the general fund ($4,500). This was result of cleanup from storm damage. Motion by Trustee Trusner to approve payment, Trustee Jenkins 2nd. Approved 6-0.
Budget Officers Report
a) Monthly budget report for August 2023 was reviewed. Included were 5 expense accounts that are over budget. Two postings to the Zoningboard account may need to be reclassified. Motion by Trustee Jenkins to accept the Budget report. Trustee Trusner Zod. Motion passed 6-0.
a) Overview of Camp lMilson Four Square Church plans. Mike Sorrentino gave a general overview of the project. Lots would need to be combined and a minor subdMsion created. Sewer and water serviee already exists. A spcial use permit will be needed. A cost estimate will be assembled in October and a projected hearing will be held inNovember. A diagram with details was distributed to Board members.
b) Mystic Greenz Growery. A building perrrit has been issued.
Public Works
a) Report - included in the meeting packet. Maintenance worker J. Embry will be off for medical issue beginning 10/17123; estimated vacancy is 6-8 weeks. His vacancy will be covered by Jeff McKinney who is currently on the staff of Niantic. Attomey Dubbelde will check for legal implications. Documentation is needed for hours worked on Harristou,n activities. Need to consider hiring an apprentice on the Harristorvn staffto obtain experience of work performed in the village. A Personnel Committee meeting has been scheduled on l0l2l23 at 5:00 PM is review staffing and prepare for vacancies.
b) Dump truck - A truck has been purchased; what should be done with the old truck. It was suggested to sell the old truck "As Is." Sealed bids will be obtained by publishing an advertisement in the Sentinel (Illiopolis) and Herald & Review (Decatur). A minimum of $3,000 is needed to accept the bid.
c) Trees - Quote on tree at Lindell / Fieldcrest will get obtained; trimming is needed.
Old Business
a) Cable franchise agreement- update given by Mayor. Waiting on reply, it will be included on next month's meeting agenda.
b) Cannabis ordinance -finalization still needed. Many sample documents have been obtained for assembling village ordinance. A concern mentioned was special insurance for on-site consumption; need to check insurance policy (Illinois Municipal League) for requirements. Another concern was the legality of cannabis consumption in designated areas. It was suggested that a special meeting be held to review the ordinance. The meeting will be held on l0l2l23 at 5:30 PM following the Personnel Commiuee meeting scheduled on the same date. Need to forward questions to Attorney Dubbelde prior to the meeting.
c) FEMA claim for storm damage - nothing has been received. Estimated reimbursement is $5,500.
New Business
No report
No report
Streets and Alley
a) Suburban Road * check from state not yet received. Consider getting bids for asphalting road.
No report
a) Recodify Ordinances - cost is $12,000. Details to support the cost have been given to the mayor. Motion by Trustee Vessels to sign the agreement with General Code that was presented by Justin Olson earlier in the meeting. Cost not to exceed $12,000. Trustee Trusner 2'd. Motion passed 6-0.
b) Ordinance violation procedures - return receipt not required for warnings and general mailings, certified mail is to be used. Fines or court action will require returned receipt.
c) Ordinance violations - Mayor gave brief updates on the following properties: 5212W. Main (weeds),7895 William (foreclosure auction),27 Westway (mowing), 2nd St (house sided; progress continues), Union School Rd (property has been cleaned up).
Water und Sewer
a) Update on URWC - EJ Water runs the water plant. Operator has changed. Upcoming meeting will irclude budget and rate increases.
b) Resident request for leak credit - Mr. Doty (Westway) had water leak. He is requesting additional $70 credit. Resident has good payment history. Leak has been fixed. Board has approved the credit.
c) Resident request for new meter - Mr. Brooks is requesting a new meter. The meter at the property has been replaced twice- Prior meter was bad and had low readings for 28 months. Meter was replaced and usage increased. Motion by Trustee Vessels to change meter agarr.. Trustee Eller 2od. Motioned passed 6-0.
Economic Development/Community
a) Update on Park - grant has been filed. Yeterans memorial dedication will be held on Veterans Day. Hanistown will be receiving Governor's hometown award for fundraiser of the Veterans memorial. Many grant newslet0ers have been completed and returned to obtain additional funding.
b) Future events - Movie in the Park on rc/28. Trunk or Treat at Village Hall. Holiday Baruar.
a) Counsel report
1- Closed session procedure
2- Treasurer/Clerk positions. Both positions can be converted from elected to appointed. They can be switched at the end of the elected term. Ordinance change is suggested. A resolution will be needed spelling out temr, start date and compensation. Teresa Acree is filling in for the vacant Treasurer position. She is being paid hourly instead of a monthly salary.Penny Allen continues to serve as Clerk. Clerk Allen has been not been attending meetings and performing duties of the elected position. Need to check state guidelines for not fulfilling duties required of the position.
Motion by Trustee Eller to enter closed session to approve closed session meeting minutes. Trustee Trusner 2nd - Motion passed 6-0. Leave regular session at 8:16 PM.
Returned from Closed session at 8:28 PM
No actions taken from closed session.
Motion by Trustee Trusner to adjourn, Trustee Bogan 2od. Motion passed 6-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:29 PM