Dr. Travis Roundcount, Superintendent | Mt Zion Community Unit School District 3
Dr. Travis Roundcount, Superintendent | Mt Zion Community Unit School District 3
Mt Zion Community Unit School District 3 Board met Oct. 22.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
President Jeffrey Sams called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. | CALL TO ORDER |
Board members present were: Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, Michelle Shumaker, Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, and Kristi Niles. Regan Deering was absent. | ROLL CALL |
Administration present consisted of: Dr. Travis R. Roundcount, Superintendent of Schools; Brian Rhoades, Associate Superintendent; Justin Johnson, Mt Zion High School Principal, Julie Marquardt, Mt. Zion Jr. High School Principal; Randy Thacker, Mt. Zion Intermediate School Principal; Kelly Fox, Mt Zion Junior High Dean of Students; Heather Ethell, Mt Zion McGaughey Principal; Billy Rockey, Curriculum and Technology Director; and Renea Smith, Special Education Administrator. | ADMINISTRATION PRESENT |
The Pledge of Allegiance was cited by those present and led by Shoni Anderson, Preston Durkee and Autumn Trueblood. | PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE |
Michelle Shumaker introduced a motion to approve the Regular and Executive Meeting minutes of September 17, 2024. Seconded: Nathan Brock. Roll Call: Nathan Brock, Michelle Shumaker, Kyle Janvrin, Kristi Niles, and Jeffrey Sams yea. Kent Newton, abstained. Motion carried: 5-0-1. (See Book of Attachments.) | REGULAR MEETING MINUTES |
James Bond spoke regarding the concession stand pricing. | VISITOR COMMUNICATIONS |
Dr Roundcount:
• Brought up the idea to have the District pay for back to school supplies for the students to ensure that all students get the supplies needed and in turn raise the instructional fees. • Construction update: the bid award from the construction of the science lab will be next month. Oshea and BLDD gave an overview of what they were looking to do. Heather Powell: • Heather gave an overview of the results from the FY24 audit report. John Vanderburg: • Mr. Vanderburg discussed doing a forensic audit along with our annual audit and explained the differences between a forensic audit and the regular audit that we have done every year. Julie Marquardt: • Julie spoke about the Braves Closet and everything that has gone into making it a success for families that need it. Kelly Fox: • Kelly gave an update on her position as Dean of Students at the Junior High. Her main goal was to keep parents informed. She spoke of her newsletter and everything that has been included in it for parents to see what is going on in the Junior High. | STAFF COMMUNICATIONS |
Kristi Niles presented a motion to approve payment of the enclosed list of Fund Warrants and Quick Pays. Seconded: Michelle Shumaker. Roll Call: Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, and Michelle Shumaker, yea. Motion carried 6-0. (See Book of Attachments.) | FUND WARRANTS |
Nathan Brock presented a motion that the attached Financial Treasure’s Report be accepted and filed for audit. Seconded: Kyle Janvrin. Roll Call: Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, and Michelle Shumaker, yea. Motion carried 6-0. (See Book of Attachments.) | FINANCIAL TREASURE’S REPORT |
Kyle Janvrin presented a motion to accept the Annual Audit report as presented. Seconded: Kent Newton. Roll Call: Nathan Brock, Michelle Shumaker, Kyle Janvrin, Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, and Jeffrey Sams, yea. Motion carried 6-0. (See Book of Attachments.) | ANNUAL AUDIT |
Administration discussed ideas for updating the current facilities policy. | FACILITIES: POLICY 4:150 |
There was no executive session. | EXECUTIVE SESSION |
Nathan Brock presented a motion to approve the following personnel-related items as outlined below, pending a drug test and background check for new employees. Seconded: Michelle Shumaker. Roll Call: Kent Newton, Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, Michelle Shumaker, and Kyle Janvrin, yea. Motion carried 6-0. (See Book of Attachments.) | PERSONNEL: AS PRESENTED |
• Kent Newton spoke about the S.A.D.D. reenactment of “Under the Influence” driving. • Michelle Shumaker spoke regarding the concession stands and Booster Club • Dr. Roundcount gave an update regarding the addition of another school nurse to allow
each school to have one on site. He also spoke that next year we will need a new Athletic Director due to the retirement of Ben Davis and moving Rob Prange into the High School Assistant Principal position. Dr Roundcount brought up two ideas to think about: 1. Would there be a benefit of having a P.R. person for the school? This position would coordinate district wide. 2. Would we benefit from having a Dean at the Intermediate? | GENERAL
Jeffrey Sams announced Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 6:30 p. m. as the next regular meeting of the Board of Education, to be held at the Mt. Zion C.U.S.D. #3 District Office, 1595 W. Main St., Mt. Zion, IL 62549. | NEXT REGULAR MEETING |
Kristi Niles introduced a motion to adjourn the Board of Education Meeting at 7:46 p.m. Seconded: Michelle Shumaker. Roll Call: Kristi Niles, Jeffrey Sams, Nathan Brock, Michelle Shumaker, Kyle Janvrin, and Kent Newton, yea. Motion carried 6-0. (See Book of Attachments.) | ADJOURNMENT |