Lovington Library | Village of Lovington
Lovington Library | Village of Lovington
Village of Lovington Board of Trustees met Nov. 18.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Call to order: President Dennis Garmon called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance: President Garmon led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call found the following trustees to be present: Mike Young, Todd Hale, Andrea Wardrip, Brittany Bates, April Daily and Keith Stanberry. President Dennis Garmon and Clerk Alma Fair were also present.
Guests: None
President’s report:
1. Report and action if needed
Dennis Garmon stated he is resigning tonight after 16 years of being on the Village board. He then stated the reason for his resignation. A motion and action can be revisited. He also read the email from Barry Morgan to Clerk Fair regarding action at the November 12, 2024, meeting. In the email things were mentioned that only one on the board would have known. He then recommended Brittany Bates to take over his president role until the election
Garmon then read his resignation letter.
A Motion was made by Young and seconded by Hale to accept Garmon’s resignation and to appoint Brittany Bates to replace him as president.
YEA: Bates, Hale, Young, Wardrip
No: None
Abstain: Stanberry, Daily
Stanberry then stated he would resign immediately.
Clerk Fair then lead the swearing in of Brittany Bates as President.
New Business:
Discussion and Action on the coverage for Water and Sewer oversight Daily explained the paperwork that she received from Jeff Mercer the water/sewer operator at Atwood IL.
A Motion was made by Young and seconded by Wardrip to accept the 2 contracts with Jeff Mercer at the cost of $1,000 each month per contract.
YEA: Hale, Young, Wardrip, Daily
No: None
Emergency notification of insurance
A Motion was made by Wardrip and seconded by Daily to the insurance quote as presented. YEA: Daily, Hale, Young, Wardrip
No: None
A Motion was made by Young to adjourn at 6:47 p.m.
YEA: all agreed
No: None